Eliminating pest bird problems can be complicated and frustrating. Successful bird control requires experience and expertise. We have both. Offering a wide range of products and services, we can solve your bird problems permanently... and humanely.
Why Control Pest Birds?
Birds are wonderful creatures. But they sometimes become serious pests. Pigeons and other pest birds deface buildings with their droppings, causing millions of dollars in damage. They and other pest birds contaminate food in warehouses and food plants. Bird nests and droppings can damage equipment, signs, street lights, electrical utilities, and can cause hazardous working conditions. In large flocks, birds can be noisy, dirty and even dangerous. Some carry diseases and parasites that can affect people such as Salmonella, Histoplasmisis and Meningitis.
There are various methods for the control of Pest Birds which can be utilized for your unique bird problem such as exclusionary, baiting, trapping and scaring methods.
Ledge Protection (Exclusionary)
The number one bird problem on buildings is birds roosting and nesting on building ledges. Their droppings deface and damage buildings, and fall on people below. To keep birds off ledges, we use the latest equipment and devices such as points, coils, pin and wire, sticky repellents, and electric shock repellers. We also custom design systems.
Netting (Exclusionary)
Properly installed netting excludes birds from building faces, courtyards, parking garages, warehouse ceilings, outdoor signs, roof overhangs, loading docks, and any enclosed or partially enclosed area. Netting is long-lasting and often blends into the background to become nearly invisible.
Dispersal (Scare)
Bird flocks can sometiems be dispersed from an area by proper use of sonic devices, scare balloons, mobiles, tapes, chemical repellents, chemical frightening agents, or nest destruction.
Removal (Trapping)
In some instances, birds must be removed by Trapping.
All Our Services Are Humane and Discrete
Special Services:
We install specialty systems and devices to protect small sites, vents, AC units, exterior lights. etc. No job too large or too small.
Roost Cleaning:
Bird droppings and debris are unsightly and may pose health risks. We can remove them, then clean and sanitize the area.